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  王者荣耀时之恋人背景音乐叫什么?当玩众购置了最新的时之恋情面皮并试用的时候也许也关注到了崭新的背景音乐,这段配乐是专门为了这款具有特有剧情设置的皮肤而创作的,其曾经爆料的名字为Time Reflection而本日正式上线后揭晓中文名原来也叫时之恋人。如今这首歌已经在qq音乐上线而下面就为众人引发王者荣耀时之恋人BGM歌词分享。

  时之恋人 (Time Reflection) - 王者荣耀



  All in an instant they say everything can change

  And in in seconds everything is new

  Oh I know I felt something change inside of you

  And I I know it because I'm feeling it too

  The world has stopped the moment you gazed into my eyes

  Lost in space and time

  We are bounded as one

  I feel you

  And I have been waiting for the spark

  For the day for the chance I would find you

  And I have been searching for your heart

  For your love for your touch

  I'm searching for you oh

  All that I am is you

  The minutes grow longer and the sun begins to fade

  But I I will never rest until your mine

  Oh a million faces as people pass me by

  But I I only see you when I close my eyes

  All of the stars have lost their shine

  Now that you're in my mind

  Lost in space and time

  We are bounded as one

  Do you feel me

  So give me your heart dear

  To the ends of the earth I will hold it in my arms

  And I see you everywhere

  But then again I turn around

  And you are nowhere to be found oh

  All that I am is you

  Ha ha ha ha

  Ha ha ha ha

  Ha ha ha ha

  La la la la la

  So give me your heart dear

  To the ends of the earth I will hold it in my arms

  And I'll give my love dear

  All my days all my nights

  Always forever this love grows

  All that I am is you



 5条评论 正序查看
2020-07-07 05:59:01


2020-07-01 08:26:41


2020-06-28 09:57:29


2020-06-24 22:27:17


2020-06-14 19:58:44

说真的 王者荣耀手游这个游戏是我坚持玩得最久的类游戏 当初人少的时候还很和谐 慢慢的官方的逼氪 低年龄段玩家的涌入 各种外挂的出现让我对这游戏失去了兴趣