当前位置:蜗玩游戏 > 新闻资讯 > 游戏资讯 > 《使命召唤:现代战争》新补丁将衰弱725霰弹枪


  《使命召唤:现代战争》(2019)的研发商Infinity Ward发布了游戏的新补丁,除了修复了bug和晋升游戏不乱性之余,还调节了机能有误的725双管霰弹枪。

  725双管霰弹枪此前长期是游戏中的“神枪”。它不仅威力很大——普通第一枪就能消灭对手,并且杀伤范畴异常的高,依据外媒测验,假如玩众给此枪加上monolithic suppressor插件,该枪的射程加上威力甚至可以媲美狙击枪。这鲜明对通常用来近战的霰弹枪是个异常特质。

  依据官方信息,此次的补丁会同期在PS4, Xbox One和PC平台上销售。新补丁将会大面积下降725霰弹枪的射程。各类突袭步枪的腰射(hip fire)弹道散播也会调节。M4步枪的输出削减,EB-14和FAL的瞄准速度加快。




  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Full Patch Notes

  General Fixes

  More backend fixes to prevent crashes and improve stability across all modes and all platforms

  Riot Shield

  Fix for a bug where a player using the Riot Shield would not take explosive damage during certain situations

  Fixed an issue where the Riot Shield would stow on the players back when using Stim (Tactical)


  Adjusted to always play walk footstep sounds when in ADS and crouch independent of speed

  Increased the speed in which you can remain using the walk footstep sounds by slightly pressing on the movement stick


  General fix for the UI and Challenge state getting out of sync. We'll continue to monitor and make additional fixes as needed in future updates

  Fix for a Challenge related error that could occur: DEV ERROR 5476

  Fix for Mission Challenge description, "Get Kills with a Burst Weapons" being too vague


  Spawn tuning while playing TDM and Domination

  Domination flag adjustments; B Flag is now near the busses instead of the center fountain


  ARs: Minor hip spread adjustment

  725: Reduce range

  M4: increase hip spread, decrease damage to the head

  FAL: Reduced recoil, increased ADS speed

  EB-14: Increase ADS speed

  Miscellaneous ammo reserve adjustments upon spawning to be in-line with other weapons of their class

  Special Operations

  Fix for a bug where a player using the Overkill perk with an SMG as their secondary would sometimes spawn without a primary weapon when joining a match in progress

  《使命召唤:现代战争》现已销售,启动了PS4, Xbox One和PC平台。

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2020-06-12 18:55:46
